June 20, 2022

Nick Tasler

Ace Your Performance Review with Emotional Intelligence

  By Nick Tasler, M.S. It’s no secret that job seekers will find slim pickings in their search for gainful employment in 2009. Layoff rates aren’t slowing, and there are already more people competing for fewer open jobs than in any time in recent history. Faced with these odds, the best way to position yourself

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Dr. Jean Greaves

How Emotional Intelligence Boosts Sales

Four old friends head to dinner at their favorite restaurant to celebrate. After they consume their selections, with laughter and raised voices, the waiter heads over to clear the empty plates. Smiling as he catches the friends’ heightened mood, he offers to show them the evening’s desserts. One friend says, “Absolutely! Let’s keep the celebration

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Why Your Coworkers Lack Emotional Intelligence

If you are an emotionally intelligent manager, you work hard to have good relationships with your direct reports and are rewarded by your employer for doing so. You pick up on the moods of your people, and you’ve mastered the art of using your team’s collective feelings—both the sour and the irrationally exuberant—to create positive

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Dr. Jean Greaves

How Do You Stack Up? EQ Trends by Industry

Rolling Stones guitarist Bill Wyman was once asked, “What is the question you get asked the most?” Wyman replied, “That’s the question I get asked the most.” At TalentSmartEQ¼, the question we get asked the most is simple: “What is considered ‘normal’?” The question is usually phrased, “What are the average emotional intelligence scores in

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Dr. Jean Greaves

Responding with Emotional Intelligence When Your Values Are Violated

In TalentSmartEQ’s emotional intelligence (EQ) training programs, we often get questions about beliefs. People want to know whether a person’s beliefs play a role in their EQ. Here’s how to think about this important question. We typically uphold beliefs as absolute truths, whether or not they can be proven. One employee may believe that “everyone

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Team Collaboration

How to Address the Elephant in the Room

There you are, just sitting in the conference room minding your own business and waiting for the meeting to start. Then in it comes—a gray 10,000-pound trunk-swinging monstrosity. To your dismay, it plants itself firmly in the center of the room. The meeting begins as expected, but everyone’s attention is drawn to the unwelcome centerpiece.

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EI in Action

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 Step By Step

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships. Research with more than 500,000 people worldwide has shown that: 90% of top performers are high in EQ. EQ is responsible for 58% of job performance, yet

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What a High Emotional Intelligence Looks Like

When Franklin D. Roosevelt took office in 1933, he recognized that emotional recovery must precede economic recovery. This especially is true for leaders who hope to stay ahead of the pack as the economy bounces back. The further you climb up the corporate ladder and the more people you are responsible for, the more your

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